

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We have noticed that some areas of Photojunction are experiencing speed issues with the new Mountain Lion (Mac OSX 10.8) upgrade. We have located a design issue where opening images in the layout tab is slow to load. We are currently working to adjust the program with new installers to fix this problem. If you come across any further problems of this nature please email us at and let us know. We will let you know when this issue is resolved. Edit: This issue has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience. Cheers, Amanda To View More >>

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Many photographers are lone wolves. Not in the hunter gatherer kind of way but in the sense that they work alone and contact with the outside "photographic" world can be limited. However we are in a creative industry and so to keep the creative juices flowing you need to go beyond your doorstep to appreciate and develop as an Artist/Photographer. The great thing about the internet is you can share information, ideas and opinions with fellow photographers easily. Joining the DWF gives you a forum where fellow professionals can be open and frank about the issues that they have been having. Sometimes To View More >>

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I got a few pats on the back for my "check your files" post. Chris Meiklejohn, our lab manager, liked it so much that she wanted a sequel. In fact she wrote one! The funny thing was my team mates had already got me one started on a follow-up, and the things on Chris' list were pretty much the same as ours. So, drum roll… (If you like this, I wrote it. Otherwise, it's Chris!) 8 ways to better print files Would you love to have your albums arrive on your doorstep faster, hassle-free, and beautifully printed? You put a lot of work into them, so they might as well be perfect. We definitely want To View More >>

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Ideally I like to see the Problem Reporter empty every time I finish a design, but it isn't always, and you're probably the same. By default, any errors you can't ignore are listed first in the Reporter - the ones with the little red and white "X" against them. We can't make your album until they're corrected, so PJ won't let you send your order until they are. The items with the little yellow warning triangle you can ignore if you like. They're sorted into spacing issues, then sizing issues, and lastly alignment issues. Obviously, you want to take care of your red issues first. Complete your To View More >>

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My daughter is two, going on three, and fiercely, frustratingly independent. If you're a parent you'll recognize this. She'll spin around and around trying to get both arms up one sleeve of her top. You just have to sit back and wait until she either succeeds, or crashes and burns in a big heap on the ground in tears. If she owned a computer she'd be throwing it out the window, and we all know how she feels. Where I am going with this is, please call us before you feel like doing the same. Someone phoned recently and said, "I've wasted a week trying to make this work". But if the phone call had To View More >>

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